Nutritional Coaching

We offer Personalized Nutrition Coaching for every individual who is on their journey to better health and fitness with us. We believe good nutrition is so much more than “does it fit my macros?”.

Sorry...we don’t sell “6 Weeks to Flatter Abs”, but we do know that the pressure on looking good naked is slowly and surely making its way back into mass media on a very real level. The same approach used years ago to sell low carb or sell low fat are being used now in newly named diet programs. Anyone heard of KETO?!?!? They call it something new and market it to the masses to make them more confused than ever.  Thus, the consumer, YOU, are inundated with ideas on what they SHOULD do.

At OPEX Franklin, we take the “SHOULD” out of the equation, and replace it with what you “CAN” do, to achieve your goals.

 We know that just like with an exercise program, there is also no one-size-fits-all nutrition formula. Your best “diet” is the diet that works best for YOU.

Working one on one with one of our coaches allows for the opportunity to create a truly customized plan to reach your goals, one that supports your activity both inside and outside of the gym. Whether your goals are weight loss, performance, or just a more healthy relationship with food, we can help you get there.


What We Do

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    With our TRAIN ANYWHERE memberships, our clients do not need to come into our facility. Your coach will provide daily accountability and the support you need not just with exercise, but nutrition and lifestyle as well, all customized to your current level of fitness and available equipment/space.

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    We personalize the group training experience. We believe in the motivation and supportive atmosphere that small group training provides, but we don’t believe in one template for everyone on the gym floor. You complete YOUR program, under the watchful eyes of a professional coach.

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    We believe there is no one-size-fits-all nutrition formula. Your best diet is the diet that works best for you. Working one on one with one of our coaches allows for the opportunity to create a truly customized plan to support your life and reach your goals.

Get In Touch

Whether your aim is to lose that stubborn body fat, improve your diet, train for a marathon, or just feel better in your day-to-day life, we can help! If you're still unsure or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

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