The Famous Cheatham Breakfast Hash – A Solid Way to Start Your Day!

If you have ever been around in the morning when Dennis or I warm up our breakfast at the box, then you know how the deliciousness that radiates from our microwave. Often times I get asked, “Is that Paleo Works?” (probably because we no longer own a piece of plasticware that didn’t once have Paleo Works food in it…so is easily confused, not to mention that it smells wonderful, just as the Paleo Works meals.) I take great pride in answering with “no, this is our special Cheatham breakfast hash that we make Every. Single. Morning.” We like to start our day with a large meal, full of micronutrients. Since I personally sometimes fall into the category of people who struggle to get enough fuel in my body each day, it guarantees that I at the very least, start my day off right, making breakfast my biggest meal of the day.

As you will see below, there is quite a bit of chopping required for this recipe since there are several vegetables. These vegetables are very important from a micronutrient standpoint. If you stick with our “10 Shades a Day” motto for fruits and vegetables, then you already have 4 of your 10 in for the day with just this meal! If you don’t have the time to chop in the mornings, I would recommend chopping on your meal prep day and placing in containers in the fridge, ready to throw in the pan each morning. I have tried many methods over the years (yes, we have been eating this for years….that’s how good it is;), and by far the fastest method is to just have Dennis chop them…hehehe. Since that doesn’t always work, at one point over the years, I would spiralize the sweet potatoes using my KitchenAid Spiralizer for the week on Sunday so they were way quicker to chop each morning. I stored them in a plastic container in the fridge, and they usually keep for a week or two. Now I am currently using a countertop Nutrislicer, followed by a chopper similar to this one. Yes, several steps, I know, which is why I chop in bulk rather than every day. It really saves a lot of time on the clean up from the chopping (only having to do it once), and makes the mornings a lot smoother. I am hoping to add a food processor attachment to my KitchenAid soon to really cut my chopping time down…pun totally intended there;)

Ingredients (makes enough for 3 hungry people):
-1/2 TB coconut oil (or less if using nonstick pan)
-1/2 sweet onion, diced
-approximately 8 ounces of meat of your choice (I use bacon and chicken sausage usually, but can vary based on the macros you are trying to hit. Anytime you use pork, you increase your overall fat content, which isn’t bad unless it puts you above the fat you have allocated for the meal. Try using chicken or lean beef to decrease the fat. A mix of a lean meat and a sausage will give you great flavor yet keep the fat down.)
-3 cups of finely diced sweet potatoes
-1 bell pepper, diced
-1 cup greens…kale, arugula, spinach, etc

-Saute onion in coconut oil until onions are soft.
-Add meat, cook thoroughly.
-Add sweet potatoes, bell pepper, and greens. Cook until sweet potatoes are soft.

We serve this hash on top of a combination of eggs over easy and egg whites. I personally love the extra flavor the runny yolk provides, but can be served over scrambled eggs if runny yolk isn’t your thing. Oh..and can’t forget the Frank’s hot sauce! (Original flavor…the others have some ingredients we don’t approve of for our personal daily intake.)

Wait…is that a BAGEL on my plate?!?!? Yes…but a paleo bagel curtesy of member Karen Daniel, founder and baker of Clean Cheats by Karen. She often tests out her new products on us before she offers them for sale to the community. So if you are in the market for paleo bagels, bread or some clean cheats, visit her website and give her a call!


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OPEX Franklin

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