Your Fitness Passport

With gyms closed down all around the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want you to know that we are here to help.

OPEX Gyms, including your beloved local OPEX Franklin, ARE indeed physical locations, but we are made to adapt to this challenge. While our clients may not be able to come into the gym right now, this isn’t stopping them from keeping their health and fitness on track.

How is this possible? Because the OPEX Experience is like your fitness passport. It’s your ticket to great exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle practices, regardless of where you are at the moment.

And because your passport comes with your own professional coach who takes the time to get to know you, your needs, and your current situation, your travel itinerary will indeed set you on a path towards better health and fitness that works for you.

Since your coach will be delivering your daily workout through a state-of-the-art app and leveraging technology for strong communication, OPEX is at-home friendly. This means that you can train from anywhere, whether it’s your room, patio, living room, driveway, garage, or the park.

One thing to remember though, is that what we offer isn’t just a workout. It’s personalized fitness coaching that can be tailored to your environment, goals, resources, and stress levels.

Step 1: The Initial Consultation

When you join OPEX Franklin, you’ll start a relationship with a coach who will be there to support you through it all. Normally, this is face to face meeting, but for now you’ll meet over Zoom for a video call to discuss your training history, behaviors and habits, goals, as well as what makes you tick.

Step 2: The Assessment

Thanks to our handy app, TrueCoach, your OPEX Franklin coach can even assess your movement from afar! Using Zoom, you’ll be guided through some simple movement quality screens which you will record using TrueCoach and upload for your coach. This will serve as the foundation for your personalized fitness program.

Step 3: Time to Train

Each day, you’ll open up your TrueCoach app to see what your coach has designed just for you. Your workout will be personalized and based on the priorities your coach has identified from your assessment as well as your consultation. Your program will be designed in a way to ensure long-term progress and safety, and whether or not you have access to equipment, your OPEX Franklin coach will always provide workouts that are the perfect balance of challenge and fun.

Step 4: Habit Building

But wait, there is more! Health and fitness is so much more than exercise. An essential part of your OPEX program is your personalized nutrition and lifestyle habits coaching. Your coach will assign you sustainable behaviors, based on your consultation, to help you enhance your nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset, to ensure that you provide a healthy foundation for your fitness goals.

Step 5: Communicate, Reflect, and Grow

But how will your coach stay involved in your journey? No worries, OPEX Franklin has your back there too! You will stay closely connected with your coach in 3 ways:

1) Daily communication through the TrueCoach app where you will log your results for everything you do, from movements to nutrition to lifestyle habits.

2) You will also communicate with your OPEX Franklin coach through monthly consultations via Zoom until face to face meetings are appropriate again.

3) OPEX Franklin has virtual coached sessions 3x per day that you can join, all included in your membership. Those sessions will be coached by your coach, or another coach on Team OPEX Franklin, who is always in close contact with your own coach.

We provide more than adequate access to your coach because we know the coach-client relationship is a key component of the success of our clients. It is your relationship with your coach that provides an opportunity to reflect on progress and make adjustments to ensure that your workouts, nutrition, and lifestyle are all supporting your goals.

Life is unpredictable, but that won’t stop us from helping you learn to LIVE A LARGER LIFE through fitness.

Schedule a free consult today and start working with a coach who has the tools, experience, and knowledge to improve your health and fitness from anywhere!

OPEX Franklin

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