Always considering himself a “hard-gainer in terms of strength, J.P. was experiencing difficulty gaining strength within the group class format and sought out individualized program design to address this and other training/lifestyle issues. In addition, having received a well-deserved promotion at work last year, his career stress rose, diverting his energies, all about the same time we started to offer a more personalized fitness experience to our members. Here’s what J.P. had to say about his experience in the program:

“Prior to the personalized training program, I had been doing group classes for two years. While it was fun to support and compete with one another, the programming was general in nature. That meant I may not reach my individual goals or target specific weaknesses. The on-site program offering from OPEX Franklin allowed me to customize every single workout towards reaching my personal goals much faster while still maintaining a sense of community.”

“I’ve benefited from the program in a lot of ways. The competition aspect of group classes caused me to push myself harder than I knew I should be pushing on a regular basis. I could tell the frequency of high-intensity work was not sustainable long term. Now, I can more easily target the intensities that are appropriate, also allowing me to recover more quickly and feel less beat down for my everyday life which includes a lovely wife and successful career.”

“Another way I’ve benefited from the program is the dedicated time I receive with my coach. We communicate several times a week while he coaches me on the floor in addition to the feedback I receive on my programming through Fitbot. We are also able to sit down and discuss healthy lifestyle practices, answer training questions, and make sure that my training regimen fits with my other priorities in life every single month.”

“OPEX Franklin is all around a top-notch gym. From experienced coaches to a facility that offers endless options for training functional fitness, OPEX Franklin is an amazing place to train. I can always count on it being clean and organized, and ran with a high degree of professionalism.

“I think the impacts OPEX Franklin has had on my life can be attributed to a level of consistency I didn’t have in the past. There’s a lot of accountability in a one-on-one coach-to-athlete relationship. There’s less temptation to skip a workout or do what I want to do rather than what I need to do. That’s really what has enabled me to get stronger, gain muscle, fix imbalances, learn “cool tricks”, and stay injury free. I’ve even been able to fix sleep apnea and sinus issues and get off of a CPAP machine that had been prescribed by a doctor, thanks to being consistent with the breathing protocols prescribed by my coach. OPEX Franklin has given me a better understanding of proper movement both in and out of the gym. I’m thinking “knees out” as I squat down to pick up a bag of mulch, or “tuck the ribs” as I reach overhead to change a light bulb.”

“I’m very grateful to have OPEX Franklin as part of my life.”

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OPEX Franklin

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