Wes W.

Wes Watson is OPEX Franklin!

Back in his glory days, Wes was a very competitive collegiate wrestler who, like so many of us, has moved onto a career and family and all the other grown up things we like to call “adulting”. However, he has never lost the desire to chase that blissful feeling he gets from competing. Therefore, Wes explains a bit about his journey to better fitness as a working adult.

“Some friends and I started racing in Spartan obstacle course events and that motivated me to get a little stronger, faster and competitive in my age group. After spending many months training in group class three times per week and then running with friends on weekends, it was beginning to feel like what I was doing inside the gym and the running/obstacles I was doing outside the gym were counterproductive. I was simply working hard without a strategy.”

“Since switching over to the personalized fitness model with my own coach, I have competed in one race that I could compare from the previous year. I was an unbelievable 10 minutes faster, and I felt prepared from start to finish. I never feel over-trained, experienced tendonitis like I had in the past, or so sore that I complained out loud (just ask my wife!). My knees actually feel better than they have in a long time, as I have executed on strengthening and correcting weaknesses. As a former college athlete, I also enjoy the feeling of having an in-season and off-season. It provides with more purpose and keeps me motivated to keep training and to keep getting better.”

Wes’s current goals are to be consistent in the gym to stay fit while growing his career, as well as to experience faster times when competing in obstacle course races. On top of that, Wes is working hard on eating more nutrient-filled foods to fuel his training, as well as getting more sleep and just an overall better balance of his life inside and outside the gym.

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OPEX Franklin

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